x ˒Ọṛp̣ḥẹụṣ&̣Ẹụṛỵḍịc̣ẹ˓ Tragic love story between the son of Apollo and a beautiful nym
Orpheus held Eurydice’s hand as they ran through the woods until he felt her fall and slip out of his hands. A venomous snake had bitten her. She was dying, and Orpheus was unable to save her.

Album: Tulsa Jesus Freak
Data: 30 martie 2021

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˒P̣ṚỌṂẸṬḤẸỤṢ˓ one of the Titans, the supreme trickster, and a god of fire.
v ˒ḤẸC̣ẠṬẸ˓ goddess of magic, witchcraft, the night, moon, ghosts and necromancy.
x ˒Ọṛp̣ḥẹụṣ&̣Ẹụṛỵḍịc̣ẹ˓ Tragic love story between the son of Apollo and a beautiful nym
x ˒ḤẸṚẠ˓ queen of the gods, and the goddess of marriage, women, the sky and the stars of heaven.
x ˒ḤẸṚṂẠP̣ḤṚỌḌỊṬỌṢ˓ god of hermaphrodites and of effeminates.

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