˒ḤỊP̣P̣ỌḶỴṬẠ˓ queen of the tribe of the Amazons.
We are the killers of beasts and men. Wild ourselves, we inhabit the wild places. Freedom courses in our blood, and death whispers at the tip of our arrows.

Album: Tulsa Jesus Freak
Data: 30 martie 2021

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x ˒ḤẸṚṂẠP̣ḤṚỌḌỊṬỌṢ˓ god of hermaphrodites and of effeminates.
x ˒Ạc̣ḥịḷḷẹṣ&̣P̣ạṭṛọc̣ḷụṣ˓ close comrades [lovers] in the war against the Trojans.
˒ḤỊP̣P̣ỌḶỴṬẠ˓ queen of the tribe of the Amazons.
x ˒ỊC̣ẠṚỤṢ˓ son of the master craftsman Daedalus, the creator of the Labyrinth.
x ˒ṭḥẹ ̣ḤỌṚẠẸ˓ goddesses of the seasons and the natural portions of time.

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