how should this feel? stau cinci minute in fata aragazului sa ma asigur ca e oprit si ma intorc din drum sa vad daca am incuiat usa, dupa ce am verificat-o deja de ZECE ORI. tu ce crezi? :/
eu: which zodiac sign is the most restless and paranoid? ChatGPT a spus: Gemini and Scorpio both have traits that could fit this description, but in different ways
Now that we have the shoes, it's time to accessorize. You can choose one, two, or three items to complete the look — whether it's a bag, a ring, gloves, a bracelet, a necklace, earrings, a belt, a hat, a brooch, sunglasses, or even a silk scarf. The choice is yours, so feel free to keep it simple or go all out!
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ChatGPT a spus:
Gemini and Scorpio both have traits that could fit this description, but in different ways
trebuia sa ma incred in el ajsdjhdhjfhhfhg
5 against 8
ok tarot
-maktub Un ghiul
da e noua mea obsesie :-)